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Ortaklık programı
Sniff, chill, dream!
Finding the best swimming spots together to cool off, a shady siesta in the hammock or a picnic with lots of treats: relax this summer and enjoy time together with your animal friend.
A partner look for
With the super soft and practical magnetic blanket ‘To Go’, you can take a cosy break anywhere and recharge your batteries for new adventures and experiences. For a pleasant cooling effect, simply place simple gel cooling pads under the blanket. Make sure they are not yet frozen so that they do not interfere with your comfort.
Magnetic jewellery is not only available for animal lovers, but also for companions with fur. The warm gold or sparkling silver paw looks are a real eye-catcher. As a bracelet, ear stud or necklace pendant, you are sure to be approached often by other animal lovers about these charming pieces of jewellery. The animal accessories in the shape of paws or bones are the perfect finishing touch. Who says you shouldn't dress très chic for a sundowner walk?
Magnetic jewellery is not only available for animal lovers, but also for companions with fur. The warm gold or sparkling silver paw looks are a real eye-catcher. As a bracelet, ear stud or necklace pendant, you are sure to be approached often by other animal lovers about these charming pieces of jewellery. The animal accessories in the shape of paws or bones are the perfect finishing touch. Who says you shouldn't dress très chic for a sundowner walk?

Too hot?
And when it gets too hot for a long walk? Stay in the shade at home during the day. Indoor treat search games are a great way to keep even old dogs busy and provide variety.
Real friends
Animals are very sensitive and receptive to energy. They perceive the finest signals and may know more about us than we realise. We often have the feeling that they are looking right into our souls. It is not surprising that they react positively to the harmonising magnetic force. Many customers report that their pets drink more water since they put the magnet stone in their bowl. A good trick to encourage increased water intake in hot temperatures.
We at ENERGETIX love animals and would like to make the summer more enjoyable for 4-legged friends with our products.
And when it gets too hot for a long walk? Stay in the shade at home during the day. Indoor treat search games are a great way to keep even old dogs busy and provide variety.
Real friends
Animals are very sensitive and receptive to energy. They perceive the finest signals and may know more about us than we realise. We often have the feeling that they are looking right into our souls. It is not surprising that they react positively to the harmonising magnetic force. Many customers report that their pets drink more water since they put the magnet stone in their bowl. A good trick to encourage increased water intake in hot temperatures.
We at ENERGETIX love animals and would like to make the summer more enjoyable for 4-legged friends with our products.

Cool Time
A cool time together

Cool Time A cool time
A cool time
39,00 EUR *
Bu küçük kolye ucu bir gravür ile tamamen kisisellestirilmis bir aksesuara dönüstürülebilir. Bir...
42,00 EUR *
Evcil hayvaninizin su kasesi veya Akvaryum için özel hazirlanmis ekstra güçlü manyetik: Dört...
99,00 EUR *
Yedi adet entegre mıknatıslı kapitone yumuşak battaniye, yüksek kaliteli, dayanıklı kumaş...
45,00 EUR *
En sevdiginiz kolye ucu için dogru manyetik zincir mi eksik? O zaman aradiginizi buldunuz. Bu...
89,00 EUR *
Bu özel erkek bilekligi, paslanmaz çelik ve derinin basarili materyal karisimiyla etkileyicidir....
65,00 EUR *
Esnek bileklik, bireysel ve ayni zamanda uyarlanabilir olan rahat, sportif bir tasarimla...
42,00 EUR *
Parlak altın renkli paslanmaz çelikten bu hayvan kolyesi, köpek sahiplerini de en az sevgili dört...
59,00 EUR *
Boyutu ayarlanabilen bu kolye, hayvan severler için ideal bir taki parçasidir. Kolyenin...
39,00 EUR *
Cilalanmis degerli çelikten olusan bu igneli küpelerin isiltisi ile etrafiniza isilti saçmaniz...
32,00 EUR *
Sportif görünümü ile hayvan severler için mükemmel taki seçenegi olan bu bilekligin üzerinde...
55,00 EUR *
Çocuklar, gençler veya kadinlar için: Hayvanlari seven herkes, pati seklindeki bu sevimli...
55,00 EUR *
Bu kolye, tüm hayvan severler için mükemmel bir takidir. Merkez parça, küçük isiltili...
55,00 EUR *
Bir hayvansever olarak bu modern bileklikle dogru seçimi yapiyorsunuz ve ayni zamanda hayvan...
45,00 EUR *
Cilalanmis degerli çelikten olusan bu igneli sallantili küpeler sira disi dizayni ve essiz...
49,00 EUR *
Bu sevgiyle tasarlanmis pati motifli tasma ucu, hayvan severlerin gözdesi olacak. Birçok sekilde...
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