Creations 2025
ENERGETIX’s trends aspire to something special: they’re absolutely en vogue at the moment but will maintain their relevance beyond the present day. Why not take a look at the modern jewellery that will still be in tomorrow yourself?
Lovely Blossoms
Lots of colourful eye-catchers that will put a smile on your face! With refreshing, colourful glitter games and girly designs, the anticipation of spring will be even greater.
Gold Styles
Sweet little hearts, the combination possibilities of which are enchanting! The finely woven structure as a bracelet or ring goes wonderfully with the colourful gemstone bracelet or, with its strong symbolism, with the lucky cloverleaf. l.
Sparkling crystals
Crystal jewellery that radiates self-confidence yet appears so delicate. The organic design of the pendant is striking – inspired by the botanical silverleaf and its unmistakable shimmer.

New Trends