He’s a member of the Kelly Family, an extreme sports personality and has been a brand ambassador for ENERGETIX for many years. In this interview, he shares how he motivates himself: as a top athlete and artist and musician.

Joey Kelly

Joey Kelly
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Joey, what are we looking at in this picture?
This was the Wall Run around West Berlin that followed the course of the former border. That was a total of 161 kilometres non-stop. It was a tough one for me, too, as you can see.
And we can see that ENERGETIX was there as well.
ENERGETIX’s jewellery is with me on all my challenges. I also run with ENERGETIX’s team. We once fielded the largest group at the Gutenberg Marathon in Mainz. The run is always combined with a donation to Hugo Tempelman – a great feeling.
What connects you to ENERGETIX?
Well, as I mentioned, I like to wear the jewellery. But there’s more. It’s also particularly about the warmth you feel here. I was invited to a party at somebody’s home one time. There were more than 100 people there. Incredible! No one had expected that. They’d all turned up to see and hear me. I can truly say that I am a part of this family.
A family that benefits lots from Joey Kelly’s philosophy. What advice would you give us today?
A piece of advice that I’ve gained from my own experience: be flexible and educate yourself. Take ’new media’, for example. The Kelly Family also had to learn how to use Facebook, Instagram and so on. But we were prepared to do so. We had 100,000 followers when we started, now we’ve got around one million. Our target is two or three million. Boundaries only exist in the mind. Otherwise: there are no limits!
That sounds like a sensible business concept. What does the artist, the musician in you say?
No matter what you do – do it with passion and with fire. The best example for me is one of my favourite bands: AC/DC. Those guys have been performing for almost 50 years and are still rocking packed stadiums to this day. I was recently able to get a front-row seat and I was absolutely delighted. For me, that means that if you want to be successful, you have to burn for what you do. And, of course, never give up! Just look at the Kelly Family’s comeback. And, as I said, our target is three million.
And your next personal goal? What’s the next challenge you want to tackle?
We’re going to do the Pan-American Highway. My wife and four children. From Alaska down to Tierra del Fuego. Without money! We’re going to work and battle our way down. We’re going to be taking lots of ENERGETIX jewellery with us, which we’re going to be selling or exchanging for food along the way. A huge project that I’m really looking forward to. We’re starting on 2 July 2022.
That sounds really exciting. The whole ENERGETIX family wishes you the best of luck and thank you for the interview.