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The power of calm
When it gets really wet and cold outside, it's an invitation to make yourself even cosier.
Wrapped up in cosy blankets, reading a novel, treating yourself to a hot chocolate – wonderful! Get in the mood for a really good time with us now.
Of good
In a cosy atmosphere, it is easy to pay attention to your own thoughts. It is said that every thought is energy and, as we know, energy follows attention. Dare to think only the best and refrain from unnecessary worries. It can have a positive impact on your life. Even if this has not been scientifically proven, there have always been great teachers – such as Buddha – who have advocated this approach. It's about allowing yourself to dream (again) and listening to your inner voice in silence. After all, it is your reliable navigation system for life.
This is exactly how we imagine the magnetic force that is influenced by the earth's magnetic field.
This is exactly how we imagine the magnetic force that is influenced by the earth's magnetic field.
Your new relaxation routine
The good news: you don't have to do yoga or meditate for hours on end to recharge your batteries. Just let yourself fall into your sofa cushions and your inner self. The magnets can help you switch off. In our range you will find high-quality, harmonising wellness products for soothing massages, beauty rituals or even acupressure.
But how can you explain the invisible power of magnets?
Feel it for yourself. And if you feel like celebrating your outer beauty at the same time, discover our sparkling jewellery creations. You're sure to find a beautiful piece of jewellery for you in our range. Our fashionable designs style up even cosy home outfits.
Discover your magnetic companions for cosy times now!
The good news: you don't have to do yoga or meditate for hours on end to recharge your batteries. Just let yourself fall into your sofa cushions and your inner self. The magnets can help you switch off. In our range you will find high-quality, harmonising wellness products for soothing massages, beauty rituals or even acupressure.
But how can you explain the invisible power of magnets?
Feel it for yourself. And if you feel like celebrating your outer beauty at the same time, discover our sparkling jewellery creations. You're sure to find a beautiful piece of jewellery for you in our range. Our fashionable designs style up even cosy home outfits.
Discover your magnetic companions for cosy times now!
All about Energy
All about energy
55,00 EUR
El árbol de la vida simboliza la fuerza interior y el equilibrio, lo que convierte a este...
59,00 EUR
Esta delicada pulsera de color rosa tiene como motivo el árbol de la vida, un símbolo popular de...
52,00 EUR
Una pulsera flexible de piedras preciosas de cuarzo rosa y rodonita. La armoniosa combinación de...
75,00 EUR
Estos elegantes pendientes de aro tienen cada uno un colgante de cristal redondo. Lo más...
49,00 EUR
Pequeños pendientes facetados de cuarzo rosa. Perfectos para llevar a diario y un accesorio con...
59,00 EUR
Los que aman la joyería llamativa estarán encantados con estos pendientes modernos. Las piezas de...
57,00 EUR
Para tu masaje diario de lifting en cara, cuello y escote. Las dos bolas con puntos de elevación...
De 55,00 EUR
Este collar noble de acero chapado de iones y pulido brilla en un tono suave dorado. Los...
De 55,00 EUR
Un collar maravilloso, sumamente grácil, de acero pulido y dorado, espera a su portadora. El...
De 32,00 EUR
Decente, pero lleno de estilo y elegancia sencilla reluce este collar de acero de alta calidad....
32,00 EUR
Este pequeño colgante de cristal puede combinarse como se desee y siempre impresiona por su...
39,00 EUR
Este colgante de color acero muestra la mano de Fátima, un símbolo protector que es claramente...
69,00 EUR
Este colgante moderno y muy ligero luce un motivo de nudo, el símbolo del infinito. En la...
75,00 EUR
MagnetSlippers - ¡Póngaselos y siéntase bien! Con las MagnetSlippers a usted le espera...
59,00 EUR
El fino anillo impresiona por su diseño tan claro, que es a la vez moderno y atemporal. La banda...
55,00 EUR
Este anillo moderno y atemporal está fabricado en acero inoxidable pulido de color rosa. La...
89,00 EUR
Este colgante presenta un gran cuarzo rosado engastado con un borde de color rosado y facetado...
75,00 EUR
La pulsera magnética flexible está hecha de bolas de acero inoxidable en delicados tonos de oro...
32,00 EUR
Con su elegancia decente son estos pasadores plateados la elección perfecta para cada día. Los...
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