Apricot Crush

Colour of the Year
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Apricot Crush
And, now, please welcome to the stage, 2024’s colour of the year! Let’s hear it for Apricot Crush, the joyful shade of colour that’s making us glow from the inside! Apricot Crush seduces the senses with a warm and soft shade of orange that comes with a touch of apricot. A colour that’s reminiscent of the fragrance of oranges and apricots. Digital Lavender was the trend colour that dominated all aspects of design in 2023 – but Apricot Crush is going to conquer the world in 2024.
Every year, in an elaborate international process, trend researchers, specialized agencies and colour experts go to great lengths to define THE trend colour for the year. It’s a process into which mostly social events, cultural changes and wishes as well as technologies flow. Trends always reflect the spirit of the times and Apricot Crush is setting out to rekindle our optimism. Be it interior design, decorations, fashion or furniture design: the look and feel of this colour of the year will be interpreted in its own way and is set to dominate in all areas.
Our designers are also incorporating this effervescent lust for life into every one of their creations. Discover it for yourself and be revitalized by Apricot Crush! You’re always up to date with ENERGETIX’s magnetic jewellery.
We want to shine, be alive and bring our emotions into a harmonious flow with Apricot Crush. We want to reawaken our senses. We want to be anti-grey! Do you, too? Then why not take a look at our new Apricot Crush creations now.