Crystal Mystery
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Blue goldstone
So close to the starry sky
The blue goldstone is a real collector's stone with a remarkable history and unique appearance. It stands out due to its intense blue colour, which sometimes goes as dark as midnight black. Golden glitter particles sparkle like stars and give the stone its visual magic.
It was discovered by alchemists in the Middle Ages, when attempts were made in Italian monasteries to make gold. Unlike conventional gemstones, goldstone does not form deep underground. It is produced from natural materials such as quartz sand. Nevertheless, it has many similar properties to gemstones, its particular hardness being one of them. Goldstone is said to have symbolic power and energetic effects. As a ‘healing stone’, this lucky stone stands for more self-confidence and open-mindedness.
Absolute magnet power, blue goldstone and smoky quartz
The blue goldstone is a source of inspiration for our designers. It also makes a grand appearance in jewellery tastefully combined with smoky quartz. A mystical-looking stone with a fabulous history. The Druids believed that it contained the power of the earth gods. Smoky quartz is said to be able to neutralise negative vibrations and give you a new zest for life.
If that's not concentrated power, what is? Blue goldstone, magnets and smoky quartz – your magical team to help you shape this year with lots of good energy and optimism, just as you want it to be. Dare to do it!